Why did we quit being a people who came up against a problem and pushed it over? Why have we allowed the 'wall', standing in the way of progress, to define or hinder our momentum? Why have we become a people who quit instead of overcoming?
The culture of today is to be defined by something. I saw this first hand in my previous youth ministry where so many talked about 'their' anxiety, depression, learning disability or disadvantage. What I loved about these teens is that, at least they were honest with themselves. Many adults either A. Ignore the issues in the lives, B. Play the victim card or C. Let busy-ness keep them occupied, ignoring the wall to forward progress. So we have raised generations who will sit as the base of the wall, and never progress further. They will accept mediocrity in their homes, jobs and lives. They will rationalize it saying that "This is what I deserve" or "This is the best I can get."
We as believer in Jesus Christ however are the people of God and Jesus did not die to give us a life of mediocrity. Jesus said, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows" John 10:10 (amp). If we are intended to have life to the full, then believers should see a lot of walls fall in their lives. Can we then conclude that if the walls to forward progress are not falling, be they spiritual, emotional or physical, that we need to immerse ourselves into the question of why? Can I entreat you to come up against your wall with me? Let's examine how to topple it together.
To the first point; remember that there is nothing that we face that God has not approved. This does not mean that He causes it, simply that He allows it to occur because He sees what even Satan can not. Paul wrote of it in 2 Cor 4:16 - 18, "This light and momentary affliction is achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs it all." What wall is in front of you is placed there by an enemy who would use it to stop you. The God you serve promises this, "For by You I can run upon a troop; And by my God I can leap over a wall" Psalm 18:29. God has a plan for you to overcome. That wall shall not stand before you because God's plan was finished long before the wall ever existed. Thus when we come up against it, we can rest in knowing that God isn't using us to test out His theories on wall toppling. He is not hastily offering a plan in reaction to the problem. Our way is set and His plan is good. "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand" Psalm 37:24 - 25.
Tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you...
Just because a man says it, doesn't make it so. We know this by watching the political seasons. In this case though, there was a seed planted in the hearts of the Israelites to entrust the river to God and follow Joshua into their promise. In the case of believers, Jesus planted the seed of the Holy Spirit in us and that seed should prompt us to remember that we have been given power to see God do supernaturally through our lives. “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father" John 14:12. Thus the greatest wall breaker in history has said that we can do greater than He because of what we now possess...
The culture of today is to be defined by something. I saw this first hand in my previous youth ministry where so many talked about 'their' anxiety, depression, learning disability or disadvantage. What I loved about these teens is that, at least they were honest with themselves. Many adults either A. Ignore the issues in the lives, B. Play the victim card or C. Let busy-ness keep them occupied, ignoring the wall to forward progress. So we have raised generations who will sit as the base of the wall, and never progress further. They will accept mediocrity in their homes, jobs and lives. They will rationalize it saying that "This is what I deserve" or "This is the best I can get."
We as believer in Jesus Christ however are the people of God and Jesus did not die to give us a life of mediocrity. Jesus said, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows" John 10:10 (amp). If we are intended to have life to the full, then believers should see a lot of walls fall in their lives. Can we then conclude that if the walls to forward progress are not falling, be they spiritual, emotional or physical, that we need to immerse ourselves into the question of why? Can I entreat you to come up against your wall with me? Let's examine how to topple it together.
In Joshua 3 we see the story of the Israelites prior to their invasion of Canaan. They faced an insurmountable situation in their first steps into the promised land. They needed to get over the Jordan river, which was in flood stage. They needed to not only send over their soldiers, but their possessions, their women and their children. The wall of impossibility loomed tall and wide in front of them.
Its interesting to see how God started the process of the wall coming down. Josh 3:1, "Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over." In 3:2 it says that the people were there for 3 days before any further instruction was given.
Its interesting to see how God started the process of the wall coming down. Josh 3:1, "Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over." In 3:2 it says that the people were there for 3 days before any further instruction was given.
Think about it: they had to face their reality for 3 days. They had to come right up against the base of the wall of opposition and each man, woman and child had to wonder...how was this ever going to work. Joshua was given the solution. In a moment of listening to God, Joshua laid out the principals of pushing over every wall of opposition.
1. God is in it and God must lead through it.
2. Consecrate yourself and get ready.
3. Come with expectation.
For us as for Israel, we simply must follow into 'the water.'
To the second point; sin separates us from a God who would use us to accomplish great and nightly things. We should make regular practice to confess our sins before God and realign ourselves with the forgiveness paid for by the cross. We should do this as we start our days. We should do this as we come to church. We should do this as we face adversity. In everything, we should be seeking right relationship with God, setting Him as the focus of our future and getting ready to pursue Him wherever He leads.
To the third point, I give you this verse which gave me pause:
5 Joshua told the people, “... tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”
Tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you...
eternal life - offered through the impartation of the Spirit
eternal life - breeding confidence and assurance
eternal life - reminding us that settling for mediocrity is not our way.
Want to see the walls fall? Get up against the problem, don't run from it. God has a long thought our plan and means to see it fall. Be sure that nothing has separated you from being a person of actively listening. If so - fall back into the grace of God and accept the forgiveness already offered through the cross. Finally, realize that you are a battering ram in the Holy Spirit. That wall must fall because you are empowered to beat it into dust. So get it done and keep moving - further up and further in.
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