The are inherent qualities that are necessary to leadership. What I love about working for the Lord, is that when He calls us to a higher place of influence, He prepares us for that higher place. In God's economy, we never have to worry that we don't possess the skills to achieve. What we do have to be concerned about is this, "Do we have the obedience to achieve." Will we be apt learners of the lessons God will teach us to prepare us for the task we are called to do? Learn and we will thrive. Ignore the lessons and we are destined to repeat them. Live in rejection of the lessons and we will lead others down failures path into a place of corporate destruction.
Leadership is hard. When you stand in the front of the people you become a target. Everyone who thinks they either can do it better or perhaps deserved the position you now find yourself in is now proverbially gunning for you. In our context of leading other believers, you face the additional reality that Satan does not want the people to move forward, not one inch, in their potential with God. He will pull out all stops to stop you as a leader because he knows that if you 'strike the shepherd the sheep will be scattered" (Matt 26:31).
This morning I began a new journey in my devotional life studying Joshua chapter 1. What I see God and the people of Israel saying to Joshua (the heir apparent of leadership) has become for me three areas to draw strength from in my own leadership journey. Today I give you three verses that gave me pause.
"Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites" Joshua 1:2.
“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips;meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:7-8
‘Get your provisions ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you for your own.’” Joshua 1:11
Three things God caused me to consider from these texts.
1. The goal of your leadership is...
2. The means to the goal are...
3. The people must be mustered...
Today let's address the first point. What is the goal of your leadership? As God promotes you, He does not call you simply to fill a void left by your predecessor. In God's way of doing things, the person who now comes 'on-line' has a greater point of interest than the one who preceeded them. We must lead with this truth in mind. We must lead understanding that the goal is in the distance and simply doing what has already and always been done will not allow us to reach it. What has been done in the past allowed leaders to reach the place where you now begin. Keep doing what they are doing, and you will stay in the same place.
I believe this is why God keeps reminding Joshua to be 'strong and courageous.'
The people are used to doing what has already been done, and will often continue unless someone promotes a vision they can see. Even at that they will often still resist. After all what has brought them to this point has been successful. Why challenge their comfort with a new leadership goal?
This is where we do not lead them by appeasing them but instead by getting the heart of God and pursuing to that end. The goal of your leadership is not your agenda. The goal of your leadership is not set by you, but by the very God who promoted you to begin with. You will not be able to motivate the people to the goal in your own talent and ability, but only in partnership with God - Him setting the goals and you pursuing on obedience.
You're out in front - but you are not alone.
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