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The Posture of Repentance

How is forgiveness gained?  I remember a conversation with a young man in my church in Monongahela who was convinced that forgiveness was a result of an apology.   It had to be sought, and could not be offered unless it was.  Others have proposed to me that we have a state of forgiveness before the Lord and when we sin we only need reconcile to that state and we are made right again with Him.  In that case no real apology is needed - simply a turning away from the previous deed and an awareness of identity in Christ.  Still yet others look to Scripture and see verses of a God who can withhold forgiveness based upon our withholding forgiveness from others.  Thus a person must be practicing the very thing they are asking God to do for them.

This may be one of those places where each position is a little right.  Each position may be a lot of wrong dependent upon what the outcome is that the person who forgives wants.  Some truths we have to factor in to each position is this:
1.  That God purchased forgiveness for us through the shed blood of Jesus
2.  That blood paid for all sins, past present and future
3.  That forgiveness is thus banked for us in Heaven, ready to be distributed at God's will.
4.  That withdrawal of forgiveness begins with a choice - I want/need to be made right with God

God hates sin, of that there can be no doubt.  The question is our own hatred of sin.   Unless we hate the sins we commit, we will be locked into a pattern called the sin-confession cycle.  We sin-we confess. We sin,-we confess.   Jesus didn't die that we could only confess and be forgiven.   Jesus died that we may have complete and total victory over sin.   That victory requires complete and total surrender of sin.  A hatred of said sin.  That victory is an result of an adding to the cycle of 2 strong actions (sin - confess, repent - release.)

We've sinned and then we said we're sorry.   The next step is to make the choice to no longer pursue that previous action.  What can you do to not fall to that temptation again?   For some it may be developing a new plan or habit in the morning.  Avoid that convenience store where it is easy to get tobacco.   To others it may be installing accountability software for your internet use.   To others it could be a weekly meeting with a friend to talk about growth and lack.  In whatever case, the lesson of repentance is to make a 180 degree turn and not pursue the path which previously has led you to sin.

The final step of this new cycle is release and that is an action based upon a new way of thinking.  First off, you are not entitled to anything.  Jesus said that a little yeast effects the whole loaf, and in the same way, putting up with a little sin in your life because you think its a little sin in your life is not good.  It is not helping you.  It is utterly destructive.  This leads us to the second principle, you must now hate that little sin or huge sin be it that.   In hating it you give up your rights to do it for the good that releasing it to God will accomplish.

If you hate sin - it is only because you have learned to love God more deeply; you have immersed yourself into a greater relationship with Jesus Christ.

The final principle (release)  begins with a distinct choice - a call to action as we see in today's verse that gave me pause:  
12 “Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” 13 Rend your heart and not your garments..." Joel 2:12-13a.

In Jewish culture the practice of ripping your clothing and putting ashes on your head alerted others around you that you were in deep mourning.  A crisis has occurred and your reaction to the crisis is to take that thing of value (in this case clothing) and shred it on your body.  As with any other thing often attributed to 'religion', it could be very easy for a false front and a person to go through the actions without the heart change.

This is why Joel is challenging us to not focus on the outward actions but instead the inward one.  For the purpose of this devotional, Joel is speaking to us of the sin which caused division between us.  He is speaking of the necessary heart change that needs to occur to secure forgiveness.  He is speaking of what will allow God to help us not face ramifications of sin on our own.

He essential says, "Don't focus not he temporary and put on a show for yourself or one to gain God's attention.  Deal with the issue internally and may God change the heart which changes everything else forever."

May our repentance lead us to total victory over sin.   It should, for that's what Jesus died for.


  1. It seems so simple. Step 1, step 2, step 3, etc., etc. Why is it so hard then? Concerning forgiving others, could it be humans have a self-preservation mechanism within us. We must be right and for that, they must be wrong. What about forgiving ourselves? That one is definitely a poser. The answer must like in how we let the Holy Spirit fill us and guide our lives. The more we let him be the guiding force in us, the easier it becomes to do as Christ asked. Love one another.


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