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Where's God In the Attack? (Psalm 25)

Temperament can be described as the way you have been wired by God.  In some people God has wired them to be doers, others thinking, others feelers and yet others lovers.  There is not a bad temperament.  There is not a temperament that is greater than another.   There is only how God has wired you (the strengths and the weaknesses) and what will you do with it, for good and for bad.

As a combination doer and thinker,  I often fight the battle of engaging before I know the strength of my enemy.   After failing in this area so many times in my life, I came to a conclusion that I will no longer attempt to fight a spiritual problem with a physical solution.   There would no longer be moves to flank my foe with better logic and tactics until I had taken the problem to the Lord and sought His solution.  See when I fought the battle without the Lord, I didn't use the weapons of OUR warfare (2 Cor 10:3-5).  I fought using the same tactics of my enemy, and God could not bless.   I may have had marginal success, but the battle was never truly over.  I never won the peace.  I simply fought until exhaustion and then suffered setbacks.

The contrast is King David in Psalm 25:  

1:  He takes the battle to the Lord first and reaffirms his trust in God for a solution.
2:  He reminds the Lord of the deep hurt and frustration that is his from this attack.  He puts the burden of responsibility to win the battle on the Lord.

Its then interesting to see how David speaks next:
4:  "Show me your ways, and teach me your paths."
5:  "Guide me in your truth and teach me."

In my opinion, David found a truth that often eludes us, especially when we take the role of the victim in crisis.  David would understand that anything he was facing had an eternal purpose that God understands even if David did not.  God had allowed his enemies to rise up against him because David, and perhaps all who watched him, had a lesson to learn before God could elevate him.

5:  For you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Again I love David resolve.  In this text he isn't giving up.  He isn't ceasing to lead.  He isn't putting his mantle of authority back into God's hands.  He makes a firm resolution, essentially putting his feet in concrete.

David is saying, "God you know my struggle, and how every evil thing seems to be thrust upon me now.  I know your ways, and how you have used pain in my life to draw me closer to you.  Instead of retreating into myself and being a victim of the circumstances, I have resolved to surrender worry, fears, anxieties and my supposed rights.  You will deliver me.  I'm counting on it"

The beauty of God and David's relationship is that even though it had very dark times at points, those times accomplished their purpose.  In the times of suffering David ran to God, and God revealed himself more deeply and personally to David.  The more David put his trust in God, the more God showed David Himself, and David treasured those encounters.

14:  The Lord confides in those who fear Him.  He makes His covenant known to them.

This chapter reminds me of a great line from a great man of God.  "We must learn not to treat crisis as an unwelcome intruder, but as a welcome guest."  Andre Van Zyl  Finally God Makes Sense.

So where is God in the attack, as close as we invite Him to be.  He moves closer as we lay down our sword and trust in His ability to honor His commitment to His people.  We are being made Holy in every God interaction.  To God be the glory.


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